Build Mode

Build mode is a sophisticated feature in Metamorph, allowing a very large number of furniture and items to be placed in the game world. What is unique about such furniture is that many are not just decorative, but interactable. The current build mode is split into two types - decorate mode and construction mode.

The construction mode allows the player to build walls and structural objects. These all have a large number of different styles including roofing as well as wallpapers and ground tiles (both indoor and outdoor, outdoor being tiles such as grass and dirt). It allows the placement of windows and is the fundamental basis for house building as well as doors and enclosures. In short, the player may very easily destroy and rebuild the house to his liking on a certain piece of land which is given to him in-game.

The decoration mode in Metamorph involves the use of furniture. The game offers a vast array of functional and purely decorative furniture for players to customise their homes according to their preferences. For example, here are some of the important in-game furniture as well as their function:

  • Stove - allows the player-character to cook food by using unlocked recipes and required ingredients. Primarily levels the cooking interest.

  • Fridge - enables the player to store any nutritional item, providing a convenient food storage as well as preventing food from expiring.

  • Wardrobe - enables the player to change their clothing by accessing previously stored items. Useful for saving outfits.

  • Computer - by using the computer, the player can explore the internet, play video games and write which helps them gain different interest skill points. The player also has the ability to look for a job while using the computer.

  • Shower - allows the player to refill their hygiene gauge, helping to maintain their character’s health.

  • Toilet - serves the purpose of maintaining the player- character’s bladder gauge.

  • Sink - enables the player to maintain their hygiene gauge by washing their hands.

  • Bed - provides a place for the player-character to sit or sleep, refilling their comfort gauge and allowing in-game time to pass.

  • Table and chair - required for interacting with certain items in the game, including certain cooked meals, computers and television devices. The player must place a chair in front of the table and the character must be seated to use these items.

  • Lights - when placed, illuminates the surrounding area, providing better visibility during night hours.

  • etc

In order for the player to customize their house, they must purchase both construction and furniture objects at certain shops and will require the player to pay for them. While some decorations in Metamorph have no practical function, in the future all items labelled as furniture will provide meaningful benefits for the character in the near future, be it through interactions or passive benefits.

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