Character Design

Creating a New Character

Once you’re ready to create your own character, click the “Create New Character” button in the top right corner of the workspace. A pop-up window will have you enter your character’s name and core description. The core description is optional here and can be entered later within the character’s profile.

If you’d like to speed up the process of filling in the character’s additional profile details, click the Auto-Gen checkbox. You can use the Auto-Gen outputs as a starting point and edit them afterward.

Once your character’s initial details are entered, click the “Create” button. You’ll be given the options to “Chat in Studio” with your initial character framework or to click “Continue to Character Creation” to open the character’s profile and add more details.

Core Description

Once you’ve entered the character’s profile, the first section is the Core Description. If you didn’t enter these details during “Create New Character”, you can enter them now.

Core Description

Core descriptions should focus on answering questions about the character’s current circumstances, their backstory, their hopes, and how they present themselves. If there are any key relationships, businesses, or locations related to your character, they can be mentioned here. Also, if the character uses a particular manner of speaking, you can also add that.

Try to use stylized writing in the Core Description. How would a novel or magazine article describe your character? What adjectives would they use? How would they paint a picture to capture your attention?

Keep in mind, if your character’s profile has spelling, grammatical, or formatting errors, then you run the risk of your character learning from those errors. Similarly, contradictory facts and examples can confuse AI mode. To ensure high-quality output, provide high-quality input.


The Identity section is used to enter a character’s name, pronouns, and other details specific to them. Be creative! Your character can be anything from a virtual influencer to an angry ferret.


If you need to rename your character, this is the form field where you do it. We suggest only including a character's first and/or last name.

If they are already a public or historical figure (Albert Einstein), include their full name to ensure Metamorph will make the correlation. Otherwise, they might be ambiguous until further details are added. Don’t include a character’s profession (Sally the Instructor) in their name. This can cause duplication and confusion with the actual Role field.


Choose from the three available options - she, he, they. This field can also be left blank if no pronouns suit your character.

Stage of Life

Choose from the options provided. Consider how age will impact the character’s approach and dialogue. A younger character might use different phrases than an elderly one.

Hobbies and Interests

Include a short list of your character’s hobbies and interests. Your character may refer to these in conversation. They can be broad (ex. Helping solve users’ problems) or specific to the character’s motivations (ex. Ambushing rival gangs).


In the Motivations section, you’ll want to add single sentences describing what motivates the character when talking to others. It could be to accomplish a goal or desire, make an opinion known, or help the user learn about something. It is important to think about what drives your character. Do they need to survive a zombie apocalypse? Do they want to help customers discover a new shade of eye shadow? This will impact the character’s responses and they will look for opportunities to inject their motivations into the conversation.

Personal Knowledge

For personal knowledge, you’ll add information that is relevant to that character, and perhaps only they will know. This includes information about their:

  • Backstory

  • Relationships

  • Specialty

  • Personal opinions

  • What they’re wearing

  • Favorite sayings

  • Things they hate or love

  • Subjects they’re ignorant of

  • Any facts that you would expect the character to reference offhand

These facts will not influence the character constantly (you should put things you want to have that effect in the Core Description).

Use this feature to establish a well-developed backstory that gives the player a sense of your character's history.

Dialogue Style

You can choose from a variety of Preset dialogue styles or else design your own Custom style. This feature (combined with Personality and Emotions) will determine how the character delivers their responses. They can be inquisitive and ask lots of questions. Or be mysterious and not give too much away.

  • Default responses are engaging and realistic. (person on the street, virtual assistant)

  • Bubbly responses are thoughtful and energetic. (influencer, children’s entertainer)

  • Blunt responses are short and very direct. (sports coach, celebrity chef)

  • Formal responses are very matter-of-fact. (scientist, lawyer)

  • Inquisitive responses will usually include a question. (detective, psychologists)

  • Commanding responses will be intense and determined.(drill sergeant, personal trainer)

  • Villainous responses will be sinister and cruel. (criminal mastermind, corrupt politician)

  • Entertaining responses will be animated and comical. (stand-up, cartoon character)

  • Empathetic responses will be gentle and compassionate. (teacher, animal rescuer)

  • Raconteur responses will be entertaining and descriptive. (podcast host, tour guide)

  • Sarcastic responses will be snide and contemptuous. (teenager, columnist)

  • Hypochondriac responses will be neurotic and fearful. (doomsayer, bomb defuser)

  • Long-Winded responses will be verbose and meandering. (historian, professor)

  • Moral responses will be principled and incorruptible. (environmentalist, superhero)

  • Tenacious responses will be determined and persistent. (pro athlete, entrepreneur)

  • Laidback responses will be informal and nonchalant. (yoga instructor, surfer)

  • Mysterious responses will be elusive and cryptic. (secret agent, fortune teller)

Custom dialogue styles allow you to design specifically for your character’s traits. Mix and match Adjectives (limit of 3), Adverbs (limit of 2), and Colloquialisms (limit of 1) to create a dialogue style that is unique to your character.

Last updated