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Many gaming activities, such as eating out, entertaining, or buying clothes, require costs. That's why the only stable source of income is work. Lack of a profession makes it impossible to get wealthy through a career and, therefore, turns the Morphs' life into survival.
Currently the game provides 40 careers. To start a career, you just need to go to the "Career" section and select the "Job search" option. After that, a window with a list of all available vacancies in real-time will open, accompanied by a brief description. The player will have to choose the desired profession and make a request to start a career.
Each job offers a different salary, has a different work schedule, and requires different skills. When choosing a career, consider your Morph's aptitudes and ambitions. Choosing a career that matches your character's qualities will allow you to be more productive and climb up the career ladder faster.
An hour before the start of each shift, the player receives a warning notification so that he has time to prepare his Morph. When it's time to go to work, the Morph heads to the front door of the house and then disappears till the end of the working day. For each career, there is a visualization of the active building where Morph is located, so the player can watch his Morph while he is busy working.
In addition, the player can affect his Morph's performance in the workplace by determining his Morph's behavior at work. To do that the player has to select one of the behavior options in the menu responsible for diligence.
Balanced diligence: this option is enabled by default.
High diligence: increases labour productivity. Reduces the level of pleasure. Emotional and stressful moods are possible.
Low diligence: reduces labour productivity. Increases the level of happiness. Gives a chance to get a "Cheerful" mood.
Leave work early: if Morph leaves the workplace before the end of the working day, wages will be calculated based on the number of hours actually worked.
Each Metamorph career consists of 7 different levels. Reaching the next level is possible through promotion. After reaching a certain level, the player must choose one of two career specialization branches. As with choosing a profession, when choosing a career specialization, it is also important to take into account factors such as hourly wages and the number of working hours per week.
In order to move up the career ladder faster, a Morph should regularly attend work in a good mood. Skipping shifts or going to work in a bad mood will force him to regress.
Factors accelerating the growth of labor productivity are going to work with positive emotions, completing the task of the day and maintaining a high level of relationships with colleagues. It is useful to remember that none of the three factors is mandatory to achieve promotion, but they will still serve as an accelerator of this process.
To get a promotion, you need to maximize your performance and complete all tasks. When productivity reaches a positive limit and is enough for promotion, at the end of the working day your Morph will receive a notification and will be informed about the promotion.
As noted earlier, all careers are divided into 7 levels, and achieving the most prestigious position means reaching the top. Those who have achieved this goal will no longer have to worry about completing promotion tasks, but they will still be able to improve their economic reward. In fact, it will be allowed to continue to bring labor productivity to the maximum and receive an increase in hourly wages.
A morph can lose his job in two cases: dismissal or resignation. Morph can be fired if he misses 4 shifts in a row. Every time a player is absent, he will receive a notification. When a Morph loses his job, he falls into a sullen mood that will make him sad which will force the player to figure out how to fix the situation.
Morph resigns when he wants to change careers and devote himself to something new. To resign, Morph has to find a new job firstly and submit his resignation, losing the accumulated salary.
In case of returning to the same job, Morph will not be restored to the career level he was when he left. After being fired, Morph's career will drop one level daily. For example, if Morph resumes work on the same day he quit, he resumes from a level lower than the one he had when he quit. If he returns to work the next day, his career level will drop two positions lower.
The fastest method for the player to progress in the game is through the careers system. However, the term, progression, used here is relatively subjective. Much like in the real world, every individual can decide to pursue their own life goals with their own definition of progress. This is heavily based on per- sonal preferences and the game does not force the individual to follow any specific path. If the player does choose to apply to a job through the personal computer system, they are able to progress through the careers system. Jobs can highly vary in their salary, type, skill requirement and time investment. There are several career options, such as being a chef, athlete, scientist, police officer, or journalist, and others. Job payment highly depends on the character interest level dedicated to a specific type of job in the career. Each job has many different ranks in ascending order which affects the salary amount that the player will receive as well as the work hours.
It is possible for the player to stay unemployed and still progress in the game but likely more slowly, but will allow the player more time for exploration. Nonetheless, there will be gameplay catered towards freelancing and work-from-home mechanics that will be implemented into the game.